Publication details

Facie a složení karbonátových hornin líšeňského souvrství při hranici devonu a karbonu v Moravském krasu

Title in English Facies and composition of carbonate rocks of the Líšeň Formation at the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary in the Moravian Karst


Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Zprávy o geologických výzkumech v roce 2012
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Geology and mineralogy
Keywords Moravo-Silesian Zone;Hangenberg Event;allochems;facies changes
Description Facies and compositional characteristics were studied in the Moravian Karst (Lesní lom, Mokrá and Křtiny sections). Five facies types with five microfacies subtypes were distinguished. All facies types were deposited in a relatively deeper water environment, well below the fair-weather wave base. Nodular, micrite-rich facies with pelagic allochems (e.g. radiolarians and thin-shelled bivalves) are interpreted to represent suspension deposits, thin-bedded calcarenites and calcisiltites with mixed shallow-water (e.g. foraminifers, algae, peloids, ooids) and deep-water allochems (e.g. radiolarians, sponge spicules) represent medium to distal carbonate turbidites. Changes in the facies patterns and allochem composition are most probably linked to the Hangenberg Event.
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