Publication details

Rozšířená realita a nové možnosti tvorby publikací

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Title in English Augmented reality and new possibilities for creating publications

ČERNÝ Michal

Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Knihovna
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Informatics
Keywords augmented reality; mobile phones; tablets; augmented reality; libraries; information society
Description Augmented reality is one of the trends in ICT, which will fundamentally change the information behavior. It is based on the idea of adding another layer of information over physical reality, a user can see and reflect it in some way. This change will not only find information about a number of objects around us, but it may contribute to the formation of publications that will work with this concept actively. Whether you use a simple AR and QR codes or advanced methods to move the map or analysis activities readers. Author becoming a curator of information, and the reader gets while reading the unique, personalized, active role.
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