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Nová média jako nástroj politické kampaně v České republice: případová studie krajských a senátních voleb 2012

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Title in English New media as a tool of political campaigns in the Czech Republic: a case study of the Regional Council and Senate elections 2012


Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Politologický časopis
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

web Politologický časopis
Field Mass media, audiovision
Keywords Political communication; new media; campaign; Senate election; Regional Council election
Description The comprehensive analysis was based on a dataset obtained by monitoring the use of various types of new media by candidates, namely traditional websites, blogs and online social networking sites Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. The results show that younger candidates in regional elections engage in online campaigning more intensely than older candidates. The findings also demonstrate that Senate candidates use new media more extensively than candidates for the Regional Council. The most commonly used new media in both types of elections were traditional websites and the online social networking site Facebook. Regarding the candidates’ political affiliations, the analyses came to the conclusion that the usage of new media was generally similar for all major parties with one exception. The candidates from the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia used new media very sporadically and, moreover, most of them used no new media platforms at all in either type of election campaign.
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