Publication details

Proč nestudovat náboženství : k sociologickému uspořádávání skutečnosti

Title in English Why Not Study Religion: On the Sociological Ordering of Reality


Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Sociální studia
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

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Field Sociology, demography
Keywords Émile Durkheim; sociological theory; religion; secularization; modern society; symmetrical approach; modest sociology
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Description In this paper I argue that the concept of religion, or more precisely the whole conceptual structure (composed of interrelated concepts like secular, sacred, rational/irrational, natural/supernatural, science, politics, etc.) surrounding it, is a significant hindrance to the analysis of exactly those things which we want to analyse in the sociology of religion, with results that are theoretically significant for the wider field of sociology. I demonstrate why and how some sociological attempts to bypass such complications by means inherited from the classical theorists fail, and show the importance of the so-called symmetrical approach to make this sociology theoretically relevant again. Such sociology, however, will no longer be sociology of religion. The concept of religion as an analytical category, as I demonstrate, is not compatible with the symmetrical approach.
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