Publication details

Minerální asociace a chemické složení Mg-wolframitu a scheelitu z Cetoraze u Pacova, Česká republika

Title in English Mineral assemblage and chemical composition of Mg-wolframite and scheelite from Cetoraz by Pacov, Czech Republic


Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Acta Mus. Moraviae, Sci. geol.
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Geology and mineralogy
Keywords wolframite;scheelite;huanzalaite component;(meta)greisen;chemical composition;Moldanubicum;Cetoraz by Pacov
Description Magnesium-bearing wolframite was analysed from the occurence near Cetoraz by Pacov. It forms grayish to black crystals up to 10 cm and irregular grains of various size. Wolframite composition is dominated in ferberite with average chemical composition(Fe0,752Mn0,227Mg0,040Ca0,001K0,001) 1,021(W0,987Nb0,004V0,004)0,995O4. Unusual is relatively high huanzalaite component (up to 4 %) and increased content of Nb. Wolframite is replaced by scheelite with nearly ideal chemical composition CaWO4. Scheelite forms light yellow and light gray grains up to 1 cm and occurs in quartz or with wolframite. Both wolframite and mainly scheelite are strongly altered and sometimes fully replaced by mineral close to “ferritungstite”, which was previously misidentified as younger wolframite II.

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