Publication details

Kulturnye usloviya stolknoveniya iskusstva i rynka. Art-brend na sovremennom hudozhestvennom rynke.

Title in English Cultural prerequisites of the clash of art and market. Art brand in the realm of contemporary cultural market.


Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Nauchno-issledovatelskie publikacii
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Art, architecture, cultural heritage
Keywords Art market; brand; cultural markets industries; value; quality; cultural product; goods; consumption
Description The article represents an overview of the changing world of cultural industries and art markets. It tends to avoid criticizing the contemporary state of arts and cultural industries, but to analyze the recent changes of the process of production and consumption of art products. It suggests that it is more valuable to study and characterize the new tools applied to the world of art market than to criticize its state for they do influence the cultural processes and the very cultural products.
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