Publication details

Jazykové prostředky řečové agrese v ruském a českém tisku

Title in English Language Instruments of Speech Aggression in Russian and Czech Press


Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Dialog kultur VII. Materiály z mezinárodní vědecké konference
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Linguistics
Keywords language aggression; media discourse; political discourse; intercultural dialogue; Russian language; Czech language
Attached files
Description In the article, there are shown some types of language instruments and discursive strategies on selected language material taken out from Russian and Czech press that are the most common signals and manifestations of direct and indirect speech aggression in texts with social-political topics. Selection of the material is intentionally chosen with aim to demonstrate such cases of incorrect speech behavior which lead to initiation of negative relationship of the recipient of media text to an alleged, widely absorbed inner or outer enemy. Special attention is paid to those cases of apocryphal journalism and publicism when language aggression is aimed to the alleged inner "enemy" and builds artificial obstacles preventing bifarious intercultural dialogue.

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