Publication details

Educational Paradigm Change and Fostering Sustainable Success of Healthcare Organization with the Aid of Web Based Interactive Training



Year of publication 2014
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Description This chapter presents quite comprehensive insight into a methodology of acquiring skills for managing healthcare organization for sustained success through interactive WEB based training. The paper describes functions and properties of the IMPROHEALTH portal, as well as services pertaining to integrated e-Learning, e-Implementation of the quality management system with the air of role play simulation, e-Improvement of provided healthcare services, and the way how knowledge accumulated can be glossary-based learning presented in the form of a WEB-log book. Moreover, purpose of this chapter is seen in addressing the obtained experience with regards to the utilization of information and communication technologies among the knowledgeable community. It is intended for professional educators involved in improvement activities of managing healthcare organizations, in e-Health management, but also for all people keen on modern digital ways of caring about their health status and on improving their sense of well-being, further supported by the so-called e-Laboratory. Several innovative approaches augmenting the possibilities of traditional e-Learning options are presented.

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