Publication details

I-COPedu - Informační centrum onkologických pracovišť

Investor logo
Title in English I-COPedu - Information centre of cancer centres


Year of publication 2013
Type Software
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

web Webová stránka projektu
Description The main objective of the project “Education and information platform for cancer centres aimed at support and modernisation of education in medicine and allied health professions” was to create a cooperating network of health care facilities that would share specific information. Fully operational infrastructure has been developed, making it possible for involved centres to share their experience. The cooperation among centres has two basic levels. The first level was purely technological and was aimed at the creation of IT and database infrastructure. The second level utilized the above-mentioned infrastructure for a mutual sharing of experience and consisted in the organization of local and nationwide seminars as well as educational stays for Ph.D. students. A strong tool for data sharing has been thus developed, represented mainly by decentralized databases I-COPedu, which are located on the servers of invididual partners. These local databases are filled with data of the Czech National Cancer Registry from a given hospital, and with data reported by that hospital to health care payers. Setting and implementation of an analytical educational reporting over this data is an essential part of the project. A strict standardization of individual analytical outputs of the project is a strong benefit, making it possible for each involved health care facility to compare its own outputs with reference values, thus providing an opportunity for that centre to learn from its own results and from other centres' results. In case of approval by the involved centres, the database developed within the I-COPedu project might be used for a mutual comparison of those centres' results. Information from the I-COPedu database can be readily used to support research publications in specific areas of health care (not necessarily dealing with cancer patients only), such as the assessment of treatment costs or treatment effectiveness.
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