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Dobové ohlasy na Rádlovu Útěchu z filosofie (1945-1948)

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Title in English Contemporary reactions to Rádl's Útěcha z filosofie (Consolation from philosophy) (1946 – 1948)


Year of publication 2012
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Studia philosophica
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Philosophy and religion
Keywords Czech philosophy
Description Rádl's work Útěcha z filosofie (Consolation from Philosophy), published in 1946, elicited some notable responses in contemporary Czechoslovakia. In 1947, several authors, whom we could call Radl's critics, expressed their views of Rádl in the journals Česká mysl and Nová mysl. They were Mirko Novák, Ladislav Rieger, Jan Štern and Josef Král. By contrast, we mention Jan Patočka as one of Rádl's apologists and adherents.
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