Publication details

J. L. Fischer v letech 1945–1948

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Title in English J. L. Fischer in the years 1945–1948


Year of publication 2012
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Studia philosophica
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Philosophy and religion
Keywords J. L. Fischer; Czech Philosophy in 1945–1948
Description This article is a sequel to an article of the same name published in the 1st number of Studia philosophica 59/2012, pp. 71–85. The list of Fischers works is supplemented with his magazine articles (notably in Svobodné noviny) and brochures focusing on the contemporary political events in the country ((Politika a stranictví and Únor 1948. Slovo k vychovatelům). Great attention is paid to Fischers book Tři stupně. Filosofický vějíř (1948), in which the author summarizes the stages of his development towards his structural philosophy, and suggests its further refinements. Along with an overview of Fischers lectures at Palacký University in Olomouc, the article aims at revealing the way that J. L. Fischer participated in the philosophical life and the overall development of the national and state community of the years 1945–1948.
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