Publication details

Determinanty poskytované péče v zařízení sociálních služeb

Title in English Determinants of the Social Care Services


Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Hospodářská politika v členských zemích Evropské unie
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Field Economy
Keywords social services- demographic ageing- residential social services- home for the elderly- social services funding
Description The current trend of society, and not only the Czech one, is the gradual aging of the population. This negative trends bring not only economic, but also social and health issues to ensure people in older age. The social protection system solves these situation, especially social service system. Social services are governed by the Act 108/2006 Coll., On social services, and are divided into three groups: social counseling, social services and social prevention services. Within social care services is also incorporated institutional care, presented in various forms. This article aims to assess the current setting of institutional care given target group of seniors, to evaluate financial performance (in terms of public finance perspective and current pensions) and the quality of care provided in selected social service facilities. On the basis of survey the attention is paid to the quality of services provided in selected social service facilities in the South Region
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