Publication details

Fauna a kostěná, parohová industrie z nových výzkumů v sektoru B4 na lokalitě Těšetice-Kyjovice "Sutny"

Title in English Fauna and bone, antler industry of new excavations in sector B4 in Těšetice-Kyjovice "Sutny"


Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Studia Archaeologica Brunensia
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Citation Chyba/Error
web Digitální knihovna FF MU
Field Archaeology, anthropology, ethnology
Keywords Linear Pottery Culture; Moravian Painted Ware Culture; domestic and wild animals; bone and antler industry; fragmentation; osteology
Description The article deals with zooarchaeological evaluation of animal bones from Těšetice-Kyjovice "Sutny". The studied material is located in squares 1–9 g–h in sector B4 from the settlement features of the Linear Pottery, Moravian Painted Ware and Horákov cultures. The analysis of the material focused on the species and anatomical determination of the bones, determining the slaughter age, a osteometric analysis of bones and typological classification of the bone and antler industry. The fragmentation of bones in individual mechanical layers in settlement feature 717 was monitored. The results were compared with the older osteological evaluation from Těšetice-Kyjovice and with foreign sites at Eisleben and Falkenstein.
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