Publication details

Kostýmní drama v české televizní tvorbě

Title in English Costume drama in the Czech television production


Year of publication 2012
Type Requested lectures
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description Contribution to the topic "Costume drama at the Czech television production" at the presentation of the book Intermediální poetika příběhu (editors Alice Jedličková and Stanislava Fedrová), held on the 10th January 2012 (Ústav pro českou literaturu AV ČR, Na Florenci 3, Praha 1). The main topic of the article is serial adaptation of literary works that are for their specific formal and content characteristics seen as a separate genre in the area of the costume and period dramas. It is focused on the costume drama series in the Czech television production, and according to the British television production attempts to define the classic novel adaptation. The goal is to map the representatives of this genre in Czech domestic television production and to find parallels to the foreign (mainly British) production of adaptations of classic novels, both in the terms of content and style, and without neglecting the specifics of the Czech form of the genre.
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