Publication details

Postmoderní hra v Krvavém románu

Title in English Postmodern game in Krvavý román


Year of publication 2012
Type Requested lectures
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description A guest lecture in the course of PhDr. Jan Schneider, Ph.D. at the department of bohemistics (Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Palackého v Olomouci) - Postmodern game in Krvavý román - held on the 24th April 2012. The contribution is focused on the novel Krvavý román by Josef Váchal (1924) and its film adaptation directed by Jaroslav Brabec (1993). It tracks Váchal's artistic techniques which are similar to the postmodern techniques of the end of the 20th century. The game of mystification, parody and irony, which he plays with the reader, is used by Jaroslav Brabec in his film adaptation, while he adopts it by using of specific means and technical resources of cinematic medium.
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