Publication details

Citová vazba a řešení konfliktů v partnerských vztazích v dospělosti

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Title in English Adult attachment and the conflict resolution in romantic relationships


Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source E-psychologie
Citation Chyba/Error
Keywords attachment; romantic relationships; adulthood; conflict resolution styles
Description A connection between attachment styles and conflict resolution styles can be found in adult romantic relationships. In this study the relation between attachment styles and conflict resolution styles was examined. A total of 226 adults (84 % woman, 18-33 year old childless and unmarried participants) completed Experiences in Close Relationships-Revised a Relationship Partner Conflict Scale online. It was found that the secure attachment style is related to compromise style of the conflict resolution, insecure attachment style is related to destructive styles of the conflict resolution (domination, reactivity, separation, submission), and finally avoidant conflict resolution style has no connection with any of attachment styles.
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