Publication details

Metodika zavedení populačního screeningu zhoubných nádorů a IT zázemí adresného zvaní občanů

Title in English Methods for implementation of population-based cancer screening programmes and IT background for personalised invitation of citizens

DUŠEK Ladislav BLAHA Milan MÁJEK Ondřej KLIKA Petr

Year of publication 2013
Type Cert., accred., approved methodology, spec. maps, medical, hist. methods
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

Description The methodology for the implementation of population-based screening and personalized invitation defines minimum obligatory rules and ensures Czech citizens an equal accessibility to cancer screening programmes: - selection of clients to be invited to the screening examinations - system and criteria for the evaluation of invivation effectiveness - time frame of invitation and repeated invitation - format of data for the evaluation of screening programme performance and rules for their transfer
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