Publication details

Selected function-space aspects of rural tourism: (Case of Czech Republic)



Year of publication 2013
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Economics and Administration

Citation KUNC, Josef, Ondřej PETR, Martin ŠAUER, Petr TONEV and Jiří VYSTOUPIL. Selected function-space aspects of rural tourism: (Case of Czech Republic). In Bohumil Frantál, Stanislav Martinát. New Rural Space: Towards renewable energies, multifunctional farming, and sustainable tourism. 1st ed. Brno: Institute of Geonics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v.v.i., 2013, p. 119-130. ISBN 978-80-86407-38-8.
Description The paper deals with rural tourism and the types that naturally occur in rural spaces. It draws on the continuously updated results of extensive analyses and research conducted as part of the work on the Tourism Atlas of the Czech Republic and the Proposal for New Tourism Regionalisation in the Czech Republic (Vystoupil et al., 2006, 2007). These results include selected function-space aspects, in most cases based on original data sources and methodology. The aim of the paper is, using analyses, to present and assess potential as well as current conditions for the existence and development of rural tourism in the Czech Republic. The paper defines the types of rural landscape according to tourism attractiveness. The spatial mosaic of rural tourism comprises municipalities, geographical units and regions, in terms of their function characterised by distinctive quantitative and qualitative features. Finally, wine tourism and farm tourism are discussed in detail as two types of tourism recently gaining the largest increase in popularity.
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