Publication details

Diversity of oviparous monogeneans (Dactylogyridae) parasitizing African tetras (Characiformes: Alestidae)

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Year of publication 2013
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Citation KIČINJAOVÁ, Maria Lujza and Eva ŘEHULKOVÁ. Diversity of oviparous monogeneans (Dactylogyridae) parasitizing African tetras (Characiformes: Alestidae). In 20th Helminthological days 2013. 2013. ISBN 978-80-210-6231-3.
Description A result of several field campaigns in Senegal (2004 – 2008), Kenya (2008 - 2009) and Sudan (2008), a total of 15 species of the Alestidae have been examined for helminth parasites by researches from Masaryk University, Czech Republic. In these fishes, more than 30 monogenean species (3 genera) of the Dactylogyridae were found. Our current research dealing with the taxonomic evaluation of monogeneans collected from 4 species (3 genera, i.e. Alestes, Hydrocynus and Brycinus) of the Alestidae from the Turkana Lake (Kenya) revealed the presence of 7 species (475 specimens) of Annulotrema. Five of them probably represent species new for science. Three Annulotrema species examined by us share the same type of haptoral configuration and male copulatory organ, which may indicate a close relationship among these species.
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