Publication details

Laboratorní výzkum náboženského rituálu: Efekty excitace na sociální chování

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Title in English Laboratory Research of Religious Ritual: Effects of Excitation on Social Behaviour


Year of publication 2014
Type Requested lectures
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description In this presentation I outline the basic theoretical principles of cognitive science of religion, about which there is currently broad consensus. These include a) preference for explanations and explanatory theories before interpretative, b) grasping religion as a synthetic category covering a wide array of phenomena that can be broken down into its core elements and subsequently be subjected to scientific investigation independently and separately, c) the integration of methods used to investigate any other non-religious phenomena, or d) a good place to start exploring religion is the human cognitive system, because religion is a cultural phenomenon and as such would not exist without human cognition. I will argue that it is not only possible but also useful to use in the study of cultural phenomena such as religious collective ritualized actions, quantitative methods and to illustrate my argument I will use my own laboratory research on the effects of physiological excitation on social behaviour.
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