Publication details

Granitické NYF pegmatity v oblasti Velkého Meziříčí, Třebíčský pluton, Západní Morava

Title in English Granitic NYF pegmatites in the Velké Meziříčí region, Třebíč Pluton, Western Moravia (Czech republic)


Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Acta Musei Moraviae
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Geology and mineralogy
Keywords NYF pegmatite syenite structural and mineralogical typization Třebíč Pluton Czech Republic
Description Detailed field work on NYF granitic pegmatites (Kfs+Plg+Qz+Ab+Bt) enclosed in syenite (to melagranite) of the Třebíč Pluton within the area of Velké Meziříčí revealed existence of several distinct subregions of granitic pegmatites - Velké Meziříčí, Vlčatín and Uhřínov. The pegmatites from the individual sub-regions differ in their geological position, shape and size of pegmatite bodies, their internal structure (zoning, abundance of pockets) and mineral assemblages. Titanite is along with allanite(Ce) the most typical accesory mineral present in several textural and paragenetic types within a single pegmatite body in whole region. The pegmatites in the Velké Meziříčí region differ from the NYF pegmatites enclosed in the Třebíč Pluton from the Třebíč Vladislav region in (i) simple internal structure and size of pegmatite bodies, (ii) abundance of pockets and (iii) rather primitive mineralogy with only rare Y,REE,Nb,Ta,Tioxide minerals and tourmaline, and total absence of Bebearing (e.g., beryl, phenacite, bavenite) and Sn-bearing (cassiterite, herzenbergite) minerals locally common in the TřebíčVladislav region.

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