Publication details

Zařízení rozdělující tok tekutiny do více kanálů a jeho použití

Title in English Device for distribution of fluid flow to several channels and use thereof


Year of publication 2013
Type Patent
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

State Czech Republic
Patent's number 303976
web databáze Úřadu pro průmyslové vlastnictví
Description The present invention relates to a device for distribution of fluid flow to several channels, particularly for the purposes of flow anal. and a flow injection analysis on a plurality of detection elements. The said device comprises a main supply channel (5), which is directly divided into at least two channels (10), whereby al the channels (10) have the same cross section, the same shape, the same length, and each channel (10) leads to at least one detection element (9). In all the channels (10), the fluid flow is influenced by these detection elements (9) identically. A collecting chamber (8) is arranged at the outflow of the liquid from the detection elements (9) and the velocity of flow in the channels (10) is at least twice the velocity of flow in the collecting chamber (8).
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