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Zařízení pro úpravu povrchu polypropylenových vláken pro aplikaci do betonu působením nízkoteplotního plazmatu (s okamžitou aplikací PP vláken do betonové směsi)

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Title in English Device for the surface treatment of polypropylene fibers for use in concrete of low temperature plasma treatment (with immediate applications of PP fibers in the concrete mix)


Year of publication 2013
Type Pilot plant, certified technology, variety, breed
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description An apparatus for treating the surface of PP fibers by low-temperature plasma. *PP fibers on the reel or drum are conducted on the surface of the plasma unit with downforce generated by the fiber electrode. Mode without coating lubricant. The fiber is maintained after adjustment to the cutting unit, which includes a revolution counter. After mincing the defined length fibers are fed to the metering device of the concrete. Its a manufacturing process.
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