Publication details

Objektové učení ve výuce studentů katedry výtvarné výchovy Pedagogické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity

Title in English Object-based Learning in the Education of Students of the Department of Art of Faculty of Education of Masaryk University


Year of publication 2013
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The lecture with powerpoint presentation. The performance of two types of object-based learning, which lecturer Alice Stuchlíková used in their college education. The first part of the presentation proved the work with objects is terms of author's project Gallery on its Way to Disadvantaged Groups. The second part of the paper presented a set of works by students of the Department of Art of Faculty of Education of Masaryk University, whose teaching assignment resonated with the preparation of the workshop Object-based Learning with Alexandra Brabcová, which took place in Zlín in 2012. International scientific conference Múzeum ako forma edukácie v spoločnosti was held from the 27th to the 29th November 2013 in Múzeum Slovenského národného povstania in Banská Bystrica.
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