Publication details

The New Photometric Study of a Possible Three-body System AV CMi

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LIŠKA Jiří ZEJDA Miloslav LOMOZ František KUČÁKOVÁ Hana JANÍK Jan PODDANÝ Stanislav BRÁT Luboš ŠMELCER Ladislav SVOBODA Petr UHLÁŘ Robert TRNKA Jaroslav CHRASTINA Marek

Year of publication 2013
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Central European Astrophysical Bulletin
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Field Astronomy and astrophysics
Keywords CCD;photometry;variable star;eclipsing binary;three-body system
Description We present new results based on the photometric study of an eclipsing object AV CMi. Liakos and Niarchos (2010) obtained preliminary parameters of the system from photometric measurements and discovered a possible low-mass third body which they placed on an unusual inner orbit around one of the binary components. We confirmed depressions in the light curve and analysed observed changes in the whole light curve. The third body system explanation was tested, but we suggest a new, more realistic, alternative interpretation: a blend of two eclipsing binaries with periods of 2.277751 d and 1.03843 d. Astrometric measurements of the centroid position unfortunately yield no evidence about their angular separation.
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