Publication details

Uspořádání dvouparametrického spektrometrického systému

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Title in English The arrangement of two-parameter spectrometric system


Year of publication 2014
Type Legally protected outcomes
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Informatics

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Description The subject of PPV is the design and implementation of fast analog/digital system operating at a frequency of internal sync signals in terms of tens of GHz. It is a digital system designed for two and one-parameter spectrometric measurements. In two-parametric configuration with a suitable scintillation counter (e.g., an organic scintillator stilbene , respectively with detector of similar type ) can serve as a spectrometer neutrons and gamma rays with the possibility of separation of the responses of the detected photons and neutrons and their subsequent two-parametric record. If it is not necessary to identify the type of detected particles, it may be used PPV in one-parameter configure virtually with any spectrometric detector. The advantages of the proposed device is processing speed (of the order of two orders of magnitude faster recording of data compared with the available devices with significantly worse functional characteristics), large dynamic range of input signals processed, low power consumption and weight, can be used in operating conditions and in the field (to be completed power independent of the network).
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