Publication details

The Experiential Course Ikspíriens as a Means of Mitigating the Negative Impact of the Stigma of Hearing Impairments and Behavioural Disorders



Year of publication 2013
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Education

Description The text is devoted to a theoretical refl ection on the experiential course “Ikspírijens without barriers or we understand each other”, which was organized for two groups of adolescents – the hearing impaired and those with behavioural disorders. The author of the text looks at the experiential course through Goffman’s concept of stigma and through his eyes tried to grasp the potential that an appropriate course may have in terms of mitigating the effect of stigmatizing the disability/handicap of its participants. Through this lens of the concept of informed interventions, the Ikspíriens project is shown to be a means for the social inclusion of adolescents with disabilities/handicaps.
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