Publication details

Analytická zpráva a přehled stavu registru AMADEuS k 27. 12. 2013

Title in English Analytical report and overview the AMADEuS registry as of 27/12/2013


Year of publication 2013
Type Research report
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Medicine

web On-line verze souhrnné výzkumné zprávy
Description The main aim of the project Amadeus (Age related MAcular DEgeneration in patientS in the Czech Republic) is to monitor patients diagnosed with the wet form of age related macular degeneration (AMD). Objectives of this project are monitoring of available therapy for AMD in standard clinical practice, analysing adherence to guidelines, evaluating safety profile of the observed drugs, standardisation of AMD therapeutic approach in participating centres, modelling the prevalence of the wet form of AMD in the Czech Republic for the next 3 years, and estimating the cost of care for patients diagnosed with the wet form of AMD. The report brings up-to-date results of the registry analysis, which is based on data from 10 centres and includes over 2200 AMD patients

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