Publication details

Stability of Colloidal Bentonite Particles in Aqueous Systems



Year of publication 2014
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Science

Description The objective of this study was to investigate the stability of bentonite colloids during the interaction of bentonite with water under different conditions. Classical sedimentation tests are an easy method for studying the colloidal stability. There were studied the effect of bentonite saturation time, the concentration of electrolyte (NaCl) and type of the electrolyte (KCl and MgCl2) on the stability of colloidal particles. It was found that sedimentation of colloidal particles occurs in three phases. The most significant point on the all curves is the beginning of the second phase, which corresponds to the rapidly increasing amount of sedimented particles. For this reason, the effect of different conditions on the stability of particles is the most evident at this point. It is the phase of the intensive sedimentation. Stability of bentonite colloids decreases with increasing concentration of electrolyte and saturation time. Stability of bentonite colloids is also influenced by the type of the electrolyte mostly by KCl, then by NaCl and at least by MgCl2.During sedimentation of bentonite colloids several layers in suspension were formed. The granulometric analyses have shown that the layers have significantly different particle size and concentration. Over time the layers are moved downward by gravity and it was found that the beginning of the second phase is related to the transition of one of the concentration boundary between two layers through sampling point level.

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