Publication details

Nejstarší rajhradská paměť v diplomatických pramenech

Title in English The Oldest Rajhrad´s Memory in Diplomatic Sources

HAVEL Dalibor

Year of publication 2014
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description The oldest Rajhrad´s memory in diplomatic sources (documents of Bretislaus I, Duke of Bohemia, dated 18 October 1045 and 26 November 1048) state both the Rajhrad and Břevnov monasteries as the addressee and their wording clearly sows an attempt to prove, that Rajhrad monastery had been subordinated to the one in Břevnov since its foundation by Duke Bretislaus I, when Meinhard of Niederalteich was the abbot of Břevnov.
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