Publication details

Vybrané aspekty řízení o disciplinárním přestupku na vysoké škole

Title in English HEI Disciplinary Proceedings - Selected Issues


Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Přestupky a řízení o nich z pohledu teorie a praxe - sborník z mezinárodní vědecké konference konané dne 4. října 2013
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

web Příspěvek
Field Law sciences
Keywords Administrative Punishment; Disciplinary Offence; Student; Disciplinary Committee; Collegial Body
Description The aim of this paper is to present selected issues of the application of disciplinary powers. It concerns both legislation and praxis. The paper pays attention to the legal nature of disciplinary infraction of students of higher education institutions and to the disciplinary regulations (containing legal rules on disciplinary infractions beyond the act) itself. Special attention pays to the disciplinary committee, its structure and mutual relationship between the committee and dean.

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