Publication details

Mezinárodní prvek v mezinárodním právu soukromém

Title in English International element in private international law


Year of publication 2013
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Description This publication is one of the first in the central European area that deals with new phenomena and their influence on private international law. This publication was created because of the need of analysis of development and several issues that private international law faces in the 21st century. Private international law both as a scientific discipline and as an area of law with growing practical importance is undergoing dynamic development. This is determined by many changes in the world and regional economy, social relations and law. These changes include globalization, electronization and technological development, integration (in particular at the level of regional economic integration groups), unification (both conflict of laws rules and material rules) and development of its doctrine. In the absence of global or at least coherent regional unification of law it is not possible to doubt the importance of private international law. While examining these trends, this publication tries to show how they are interrelated. By this it tries to assess their impact and to suggest possible future contours for the development of private international law.
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