Publication details

Współczesne formy rewitalizacji kultury tradycyjnej na przykładzie wybranych zjawisk z obszaru Republiki Czeskiej

Title in English Contemporary forms of revitalizing the traditional culture. A case study of selected phenomena in the Czech Republic

VÁLKA Miroslav

Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Praktykowanie tradycji w społeczeństwach posttradycyjnych. Archiwum etnograficzne 54
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Archaeology, anthropology, ethnology
Keywords traditional culture; Czech Republic; revitalization; carnival time
Description The author draws attention to the programme revitalization of the traditional culture on the territory of the former Czechoslovakia, underlining the institutional inspirations behind the development of the traditional ceremonial, among others, belonging to the carnival time.

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