Publication details

Karl Koller, objevitel lokálně anestetického účinku kokainu, se narodil v Sušici! Krátká historie lokálních anestetik.

Title in English Karl Koller - the discoverer of the local anaestethic properties of cocain, was born in Susice!


Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Anesteziologie a intenzivní medicína
Keywords cocaine; Karl Koller; local anaesthetics
Description A memorial plaque has been ceremonially set up on the native house of Doctor Karl Koller in Susice in South-Western Bohemia on the 2nd of December 2012 to mark DrKoller's 155th birth anniversary on the 3rd of December 1857. After completing his studies, Dr Koller worked as an ofthalmologiest in Vienna where he discovered the local anaesthetic action of cocaine. However, shortly afterwards he was forced to leave Vienna and settle in the USA to continue his career in ophthalmic medicine. Cocaine was applied not only topically but was also used in othed techniques of regional anaesthesia. It is a toxic and additive substance. Nowdays it has been replaced by safer and more efficient drugs.

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