Publication details

E-learning bez pozlátka: překážky a neporozumění



Year of publication 2014
Type Conference abstract
Citation TRÁVNÍČEK, Jan and Jakub TROJAN. E-learning bez pozlátka: překážky a neporozumění. In Konference 2014. 2014. ISBN 978-80-263-0717-4.
Description The considerable part of the target groups is skeptical about the e-learning. We discuss obstacles to its adoption using literature and the experience of education, the non-profit and corporate sector. As technological barriers we understand adaptation to sector dynamics, the demands on computer literacy, compatibility and reliability and overestimation of technologies. The core of social difficulties are disadvantages of virtual interaction – such as the absence of group dynamics and personal meetings, the stereotype of routine activities, health and ethical risk, non-compliance with the corporate culture and financial requirements. The solution can be the blended learning based on open source solution.

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