Publication details

Dlouhodobé sledování úrovně výkonnostních předpokladů vybraných tenistů

Title in English Long time pursuit of the performance predispositions level of the select tennis-players


Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Periodical
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Sports Studies

Field Sport and leisure time activities
Keywords diagnostics; longitudinal research; performance predispositions; retrospective study; tennis; test battery
Description Monitoring the level of individual factors or performance predispositions is an essential part of athlete´s training process. The article discusses the results of the diagnostic performance predispositions research of the selected group of tennis players. In the research, we first made a selection of players according to the criterion of the frequency of participation in testing and the other criterion was the performance level, tanking, they reached. In the next phase, we analyzed the individual test results of the players in the long-term perspective. The final step was to asses the relationship between age, the results of the test battery and game performance. Due to the small number of measurements and the complexity of sport performance in tennis we did not expect very tight dependence (correlation) of individual variables. We came to the conclusion that by all observed players a high level of motor performance predisposition were recorded which corresponds with their high performance in tennis and ranking, although statistical dependence was not proven.

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