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Trasy. Výzkum historických a inovativních aspektů umění a edukace. Výstavní projekt Katedry výtvarné výchovy PdF MU Brno pořádaného ve spolupráci s Moravským muzeem města Brna.
Title in English | Routes. Research historic and innovative aspects of the arts and education. The exhibition project of the Department of Fine Arts of Masaryk University Brno organized in collaboration with the Moravian Museum in Brno. |
Authors | |
Year of publication | 2014 |
Type | Exposition |
MU Faculty or unit | |
Citation | |
Description | Exhibition planned route documents analogy, but also the context of random links between the "past", "present" and "future" in the creation of three selected university teachers (Hana Babyrádová, Petr Kamenický, Radek Horacek) and their students. And the formation is understood to mean in addition to the physical works and conceptual work, based on the thoughts and actions undertaken by entities other than the teachers and students. The project does not aim to map the didactic activities on both sides, but is intended rather to initiate exploring the rich variety of the similarities and differences between the activities of teachers and their pupils. Collection exhibited photographs documenting the activities of those who meet the Department of Fine Arts for more than two decades, calls for reflection - and the in several ways. Themes emerging in the project could be formulated in the following questions: what are the sources of the formation in several converging areas of fine and mimovýtvarného expression where directed path leading to the realization of this work and the ways in which creative energy is transferred between two parties. |
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