Publication details

Teaching Academic Writing to Doctoral Students in the Context of English as a Foreign Language: Implementing Best Practices from Writing Research

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HELÁN Robert

Year of publication 2014
Type Requested lectures
MU Faculty or unit

Language Centre

Description The teaching of academic writing (AW) has been influenced by insights from multiple disciplines. By drawing on them, AW instructors have at their disposal a range of tried and tested techniques for the development of their students’ writing skills. The workshop will offer participants a number of best practices for teaching AW to PhD students in the context of EFL, but applicable to all higher-education students. It will explore a set of approaches by invoking the classic communication model. In the author/sender-oriented approach, specific techniques from the field of creative writing will be suggested for helping students as they move through the stages of the writing process. In the text/message-oriented approach, the workshop will draw on genre studies and corpus linguistics to demonstrate to students the use of genre-specific, lexico-grammatical, and rhetorical features in academic texts and how they can incorporate them in their own writing. In the reader/receiver-oriented approach, the workshop will look at activities developed around the target journals our students wish to publish in and the process of peer-reviewing. Overall, the workshop content will reflect the author’s experience of using the above-mentioned techniques in the development of his students’ AW skills. In addition, it will offer a critical evaluation of these techniques, highlighting some of their advantages and disadvantages.
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