Publication details



JANÍK Zdeněk

Year of publication 2014
Type Conference abstract
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Sports Studies

Description The main goal is to present new possibilities and methods of diagnosing athletes’ technique and performance used by the students of training during their coachig and methodological practice. In connection with the innovation of the course (Coaching and Methodological Practice) three up-to-date devices were implemented for diagnosing athletes’ technique and performance. Dartfish software optically records the movement and thus provides the main characteristics (speed, acceleration, course, and trajectory). Polar Team 2 and Garmin concurrently give information about the current load of the monitored athletes based on their heart frequency. Coaching and Methodological Practice absolved 48 coaches. We evaluate most frequently mistakes and effectiveness of all devices above regarding optimization process. The implementation of the above-mentioned devices made possible to obtain relevant data on the current load and technical performance of movement in a training process of chosen sport fields. We analysed the most common technical mistakes in frame of selected exercise - developing up chest muscles (peck deck). We divided the exercise into four phases, the first phase - the launch, the second phase - the pull, the third phase - the detention, the fourth phase - return to starting position. Based on hart rate monitoring we found out that the most significant problem lies in the first phase of the exercise in which the proper angle of the shoulder joint is not kept. With the correct technique increased heart rate in the first phase of the exercise of 17%, which indirectly points to the increased effectiveness of exercise. The wrong technique was also shown in reaching lower load intensity.

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