Publication details

Presidency and State Administration in the Czech Republic: Planting a Seed or a Shattered Chance?



Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Journal of Contemporary European Research
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Field Political sciences
Keywords Council Presidency - Czech Republic - Bureaucracy and EU affairs - Elite interview - Europeanisation
Attached files
Description The EU Presidency has been so far studied especially in terms of its EU impact and influence while neglecting its potential impact at the domestic level. This article, dealing with the Czech EU Presidency of 2009, focuses on this domestic dimension. Based upon more than 30 elite interviews with civil servants and official documents, it analyses the possible impact of the EU Presidency on state administration and attempts to analyse such influence in the framework of Europeanisation. As a conclusion, the article proposes paying attention to coordination and the institutional structures processing EU affairs as the first possible indicator, and human resources as the second one. Concerning the particular Czech case, the assessed medium impact of the Presidency was affected by political instability in the country and the overall weak stability of the Czech state bureaucracy.
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