Publication details

The Free Movement of Goods: Czech and Slovak Supreme Courts' Preliminary References



Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Dny práva - 2013 - Days of Law. Sborník - Proceedings. Část II. Obchod se zbožím - mezinárodněprávní rámec a společná obchodní politika Evropské unie / Trade in Goods - its Regulation in International Law and Common Commercial Policy of the EU
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Field Law sciences
Keywords Preliminary references, Supreme Courts, Court of Justice of the European Union, application of EU law
Description The authors analyzing preliminary references rarely discuss factors which might actually urge a national court to request a preliminary ruling and thus constitute decisive incentives for the courts' decision to bring the matter before the Court of Justice. The present contribution tries to partly fill this gap by providing an analysis of two cases on free movement of goods decided by Czech and Slovak Supreme Courts. I argue that a request of a party to the proceedings to bring the case before the Court of Justice or a decision of the Constitutional Court quashing the Supreme Court's judgment might constitute decisive incentives for a preliminary reference.
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