Publication details

Fabrication and characterization of combined metallic nanogratings and ITO electrodes for organic photovoltaic cells

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GOLLMER Dominik A. WALTER Felicitas LORCH Christopher NOVÁK Jiří BANERJEE Rupak DIETERLE Johannes SANTORO Gonzalo SCHREIBER Frank KERN Dieter P. FLEISCHER Monika

Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Microelectronic Engineering
MU Faculty or unit

Central European Institute of Technology

Field Solid matter physics and magnetism
Keywords Plasmonic solar cells; Plasmonic nanogratings; Nano imprint lithography; Extinction spectroscopy; Organic photovoltaics; GISAXS
Description Organic photovoltaic devices are interesting alternatives to conventional silicon based photovoltaic cells, due to potentially lower material costs and energy consumption during the fabrication process. However, the energy conversion efficiency of organic photovoltaic cells may still be improved. One possible approach is a combination with metallic nanostructures to improve light absorption properties in the active layer. We report on the fabrication and characterization of metallic nanogratings integrated with an indium tin oxide (ITO) electrode to be combined with small-molecule organic photovoltaic cells. With respect to geometry and extinction properties gratings fabricated by two different fabrication methods, conventional electron beam lithography and nanoimprint lithography, are presented. Furthermore, gratings fabricated on top of ITO are compared to gratings integrated both below and within ITO electrodes. Fabricating structures below or within electrodes is advantageous for organic thin film techniques to avoid compromising the crystallinity of the organic thin film and short-circuiting across the thin layer.
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