Publication details

Strategic or Identity-Based Euroscepticism? The Euro Discourse of Vaclav Klaus

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Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Romanian Journal of Political Science
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Field Political sciences
Keywords Vaclav Klaus; Czech Republic; Euroscepticism; critical discourse analysis
Description The aim of this paper is to investigate the discourse of Vaclav Klaus on European integration by analysing his discourse on the euro during his term of office as President of the Czech Republic. The authors apply critical discourse analysis to selected speeches by Klaus, using their findings to analyse Klaus's position on the euro and European integration through the conceptual lens of soft versus hard Euroscepticism and the difference between the strategic and ideological foundations of Klaus's views. The research confirms the expectation that a consistent, deeply ideological motivation lies behind Klaus's negligible concern for strategy, as well as finding a connection between national-conservative political and neoliberal economic streams in Klaus's political thought. The analysis also brings interesting insights into the debate over the concept of Euroscepticism.
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