Publication details

With or without you: Předchozí partnerské vztahy ve vynořující se dospělosti

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Title in English With or without you: Previous romantic relationships in emerging adulthood


Year of publication 2014
Type Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Social Studies

Citation Chyba/Error
Description The purpose of this contribution was to examine the influence of attachment to parents and previous relationship experiences on the attachment to partner in current/previous romantic relationships of emerging adults. This analysis used 1278 young people who participated in the third wave of longitudinal research Paths to adulthood, and their average age was 21.46 years old. This sample is overly represented by females (77%). It was found that ex-bond was the single predictor of attachment avoidance to current partner in regression model (higher level of ex-bond is connected with higher level of avoidance to current partner) and higher ex-bond and length of previous relationship slightly decrease attachment avoidance to ex-partner. Next, it was found that the attachment anxiety in relation to parents appeared as a romantic anxiety predictors in the regression analysis. Anxiety to father, anxiety to mother and length of current romantic relationship explained 14,5% of anxiety to current partner variance. Ex-bond emerges as positive predictor for anxiety with respect to ex-partner besides anxiety to father.
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