Publication details

Postihy diváckého násilí - ukládání trestu zákazu vstupu na sportovní, kulturní a jiné společenské akce

Title in English Sanctions for Spectator Violence - Imposing a Sentence of Prohibition of Entering on Sports, Culture and other Social Events


Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Restoratívna justícia a alternatívne tresty v teoretických súvislostiach
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Law

Field Law sciences
Keywords divácké násilí, trest zákazu vstupu na sportovní, kulturní a jiné společenské akce, Úmluva Rady Evropy o diváckém násilí a neslušném chování při sportovních utkáních, zvláště při fotbalových zápasech, zákon o podpoře sportu, zadržení, nutná obrana
Description A lot of people like going at sport events. I also sometimes go at sport event to support my favourite team. We can see very often families with small children at stadium. However, people are worried about their safety. Some groups of fans go there to fight and destroy stadium equipment. Our joy of sport disappears and organizers, police, courts have a lot of work with these people. It is a problem of modern society but I have to ask if we have not been returning to prehistoric times. In this article I am going to focus on some solutions and procedures to improve situation at sport events.
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