Publication details

Statistika - vícerozměrné metody

Title in English Statistics - Multivariate methods


Year of publication 2014
Type Textbook
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Sports Studies

Description Sport, including the scientific branch Kinanthropology, is one of the many areas where demand is evident after the application of exact mathematical procedures. Very often it is necessary to solve the problems leading to multidimensional statistical methods. Human imagination of the data will end in 3D space, higher dimensions are already difficult to see, understand and interpret. Multivariate methods can help especially when data dimension reduction to a "reasonable" amount, respectively find relationships that simplify the situation and allow for a better understanding. Selected text processes the basic theoretical aspects of various methods together with practical examples that provide guidance and adequate solution procedure in the statistical software Statistica 10 by Statsoft. From the four selected areas (analysis of variance, regression analysis, principal component analysis and factor analysis, cluster analysis) we pay most attention to the regression analysis, for its availability through much statistical software, combined with the difficulty, ambiguity and the need to comply with various assumptions.
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