Publication details

Jóga pro všechny

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Title in English Yoga for All


Year of publication 2014
Type Chapter of a book
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Sports Studies

Description The article includes a proposal of physical activities and games for teaching unit called according to the concept - "Yoga for All". Our concept is inspired by yoga for children or family yoga, which promotes both at home and abroad, many teachers and lecturers. We are adding elements from of psychomotorics, dance movement therapy, or dance improvisation or music therapy. In our courses we work with people with disabilities, especially children. Article quote other authors with experience practicing yoga activities for people with disabilities and our specific insights on the lessons that have taken place. It is concluded that in our practice, especially when integrated community meetings to see that yoga in conjunction with other physical activity induces psychological balance, positive mood, strengthens self-confidence and moderates symptoms of stress. This text has been written within a project OP VK CZ.1.07/2.4.00/17.0037 "Development of Pedagogical and Research Activities within the Department of Social Sciences in Sport at the FSpS MU".
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