Publication details

Konstitutivní role iracionálna v rané Nietzschově epistemologii

Title in English Constitutive role of irrationality in early Nietzsche's epistemology

LAGA Stanislav

Year of publication 2014
Type Requested lectures
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Description In the late 60's, Nietzsche stamped, while clarifying his own epistemological bases, upon the same antagonisms that led his (neo-Kantian) paragons to the introduction of several purely hypothetical terms. In his essay On Truth and Lie in an Extra-Moral Sense we can find a lot of testimonies to the fact that Nietzsche used similar argumentation strategy. In my paper, I try to describe in detail the breaking point when Nietzsche was forced to incorporate into his theory (otherwise exact and supported by many scientific evidence) some irrational element in the form of a principle of power to generate metaphors (Kraft zur Metapher).
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