Publication details

Archeologický výzkum západní brány na Velehradě : k otázce původního vstupu do cisterciáckého kláštera na Velehradě

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Title in English Archaeological Research of the Western Gate in Velehrad : To the problem of the original entrance into Cistercian Monastery in Velehrad


Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Periodical
Magazine / Source Slovácko : společenskovědní sborník pro moravsko-slovenské pomezí
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Archaeology, anthropology, ethnology
Keywords Cistercian monastery; Velehrad; pre-gate-rescue archaeological research
Description In November and December 2011 a rescue archaeological research was carried out which was connected with the building of communication pipe to the boarding house of Stojan Gymnasium on the opposite side of the area. During excavation works in front of the baroque entrance from 1769 the original pre-gate construction was excavated which was used as the entrance into the area of the Cistercian monastery from the west and which also reinforced the gate in the western part of fortification. The test pit revealed both corners of the original pre-gate construction. The distance between them was 10.15 m. In the middle the walls are severely damaged by secondary works during the construction of the sewer in 20th century. Besides some recent interference, a group of beds from modern times covered by building constructions brought to the level of the crown course of the walls was discovered. The origin of the group of beds can be dated to the times of perishing of the original gate. Underneath the beds there were equalizing terrain works from the times of existence of the pre-gate construction containing fragments of pottery from medieval times and early modern times (14th to 16th century). Besides pottery a silver pfennig was discovered from the times of Albrecht III (1365–1395). The coin was minted in Vienna probably between the years 1388–1395.The age of pre-gate construction may be dated to 14th century. The construction can be most probably connected with the place of the original entrance into the Cistercian monastery.
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