Publication details

Desemantizacija bespredložnych padežej, ich častičnaja zamena padežami s predlogami

Title in English Desemantisation of simple cases and its partial substitution by prepositional cases


Year of publication 2014
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Movnyj prostir hramatyky: aktualni studiji. Zbirnyk naukovych prac
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Field Linguistics
Keywords old Russian; syntactic phrases; language development; simple cases; reositional cases; multiple meraning of prepositional phrases
Attached files
Description In the course of the historical development of Russian there were shifts of meaning some cases. These changes were caused by the attempt of the language to express certain relations in a more accurate way. Expressing of certain meanings by simple, non-prepositional cases was gradually reduced. Simple cases were replaced by prepositional cases and at the same time their multiple meaning was reduced.

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